1st August 2014
10th May 2012
22nd January 2009
12th June 2008
- Showed "Quake Wars: Ray Traced" (based on "Enemy Territory: Quake Wars") for the first time on the Research@Intel Day 2008
- Chatting with Craig Barrett (formet Intel CEO) and Justin Rattner (Intel CTO) about the future of computer graphics
3rd April 2008
- Pat Gelsinger (Senior Vice President of Intel) presents Q4RT in his keynote at Shanghai IDF 2008 (Intel Developer Forum).
- Showing Q4RT at the Intel research booth at Shanghai IDF 2008. Photo shows lower scaled version on the UMPC in my hand.
Background monitor runs an offline rendered video of the high quality version of Q4RT.
- Next public event: Research at Intel Day, June 11
20th February 2008
- Giving a talk at GDC 2008 about "Interactive Ray Tracing in Games".
- Showed off "Ray Tracing in your Pocket" on an Ultra Mobile PC with 25 - 45 fps.
28th September 2007
- Showing Quake 4: Raytraced live on IDF (Intel Developer Forum) in Justin Rattner's (Intel CTO) keynote.
Available as download
and webcast
(ray tracing starts around 46:00 minutes).
- New, detailed article "Rendering Games with Raytracing Will Revolutionize Graphics" about the latest progress in ray tracing
for games (as shown at the booth at IDF) written by Ryan Shrout from
5th September 2007
- Gave a talk about ray tracing in games at the "Games Convention Developer Conference" (GCDC) in Leipzig, Germany.
- Attended press conference with live demo on stage at "Games Convention" (GC) in Leipzig, Germany.
Next showoff will be at Fall IDF 2007 (September 18th - 20th) in San Fransico, CA.
26th July 2007
- Giving a talk about ray tracing in games at the "Making Games Conference" in Munich, Germany.
- Next talk will be at Games Convention Developer Conference (GCDC) in Leipzig, Germany.
20th June 2007
- Showing more Quake 4: Raytraced at "Research at Intel Day 2007" in Santa Clara, CA.
23th April 2007
- Showing Quake 4: Raytraced at Spring IDF 2007 in China. (more)
3rd April 2007
- I got a job at Intel
to continue working on ray tracing in games.
5th March 2007
- If you want to talk with me about ray tracing in games you have a chance at CeBit 2007:
- Booth Owner: Saarland University, OpenRT
- Booth location: Halle 9, Stand B65 (Hall 9, Booth B65)
- Date: March, 15th - 17th (perhaps also 18th)
- New article in German at Spiegel Online by Matthias Kremp
"Computerspiel-Grafik in Kinoqualität"
News archive